General information about the city of Zug
If you choose a company headquarters in the canton of Zug, you benefit from the lowest tax rates in Switzerland. The canton of Zug is located directly on the beautiful Lake Zug, about 35 kilometers from Zurich. Some of the largest companies have their administrative headquarters here. The unique location of the canton in Central Switzerland makes the choice of the company headquarters even more attractive.

Our office space
Regardless of whether you are an SME or a start-up, we have the right service for every size of company. Our office space is very modern and can be rented on different terms. Furthermore, in addition to your rented workstation, you can use a meeting table to receive customers. By registering your company headquarters with us, you also benefit from our experience in dealing with the various government institutions. We manage and organize your entire start-up or we take care of your existing company. Our services include opening the company address or branch at our location as well as the entire administrative management. In accordance with your needs, we plan your start-up or your company move to the canton of Zug step by step. A parking space is available for each rental, which can be used free of charge. The location of our office is very central and can be easily reached. You can also book individual fiduciary services.

Individual fiduciary solutions tailored to you
Thanks to our many years of experience in the fiduciary sector, we are optimally networked with all institutions in the Zug region and can provide immediate assistance if you have any questions. An individual escrow service is available to you, which you can book as you wish. The services range from classic bookkeeping to complete company management, including the annual financial statements. Furthermore, we offer complete personnel administration as well as the establishment of new companies. We would be happy to advise you by phone or directly on site.

What makes Zug so attractive?

The highest economic growth has been recorded in the canton of Zug for years. Not only is the number of resident companies increasing from year to year, but also the number of existing jobs and tax revenues. What are the advantages for you as an entrepreneur? The advantages are obvious – on the one hand, you benefit from a stable economic community and an internationally recognized location, and on the other hand, the corporate income tax is lower than anywhere else in Switzerland.

Tax exhaustion of the resource potential 2021 By cantons in percent

As an entrepreneur, how can you benefit from the Zug location?
Regardless of whether you are starting a new company or want to relocate your existing location, in both cases you can benefit from the advantages of the location. Our customers and their companies are based in Zug across all industries and use our various services to ensure that your business is carried out securely. Let our experts advise you individually and you will see that a change of location or a start-up is less complex than expected.

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